
Objective: Fuel economy / emission reduction

Average fuel savings: 1.67%

Total savings: €11,853

A reduction of CO2 emissions by 34 tonnes per year.

Background and goals

Transports Bouché is a freight transport company based in France, which operates a fleet of 30 DAF trucks. The goal was to demonstrate that the use of Mobil Delvac™ 1 LE 5W-30 fully synthetic motor oil would reduce truck fuel consumption compared to the current SAE 10W-40 engine oil.


Recommendations and solutions

The easiest and most efficient way to generate fuel savings from the use of lubricants is maintaining their viscosity in service. This reduces friction and therefore fuel consumption. However, the viscosity may increase over time. Soot particles, contaminants and oxidation can lead to thickening of the oil which can affect fuel economy and compromise engine protection. Therefore, an engine lubricant designed to promote fuel economy must be specially formulated to combat the factors of oxidation and thickening of the oil.


Results and benefits

Transports Bouché conducted a 12-month fuel consumption test on one of its trucks. Monthly consumption measurements were made on the entire fleet. The truck using Mobil Delvac™ 1 LE 5W-30 synthetic engine oil demonstrated average fuel savings of 1.67% compared to the other vehicles in the fleet, which were operating under comparable conditions. In addition to exceptional protection during the critical start-up phase and the potential lengthening of engine life, Mobil Delvac™ 1 LE 5W-30 also helps reduce fuel consumption. The decision to use this motor oil on the entire truck fleet will eventually generate overall savings estimated at €11,853 per year and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 39.8 tonnes / year.

* Savings calculated according to the assumptions of an average annual mileage of 100,000km per vehicle, consumption before oil change of 30 L / 100 km, fuel price of €1.10 / litre and the emission factor of 2.65 kg of CO2 emitted per litre of fuel. This proof of performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results may vary depending on the vehicle type, application and operating conditions and the particular fluid viscosities.

  • Transport PFT

    L’huile moteur synthétique Mobil Delvac™ 1 LE 5W-30 aide le transporteur français à réaliser des économies de carburant.

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  • Le point de vue des experts – Juwa Unso

    Découvrez pourquoi les entreprises choisissent de protéger leurs moteurs avec les lubrifiants Mobil Delvac™.

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  • Le point de vue des experts – Petro China

    Découvrez pourquoi les entreprises choisissent de protéger leurs moteurs avec les lubrifiants Mobil Delvac™.

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